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Street Tree Advisory Committee

Descripción del programa

To provide advice to the Parks and Recreation Department and Parks and Recreation Commission regarding planting and removing street trees, trees in front yard setbacks, and park and golf course trees.

The Street Tree Advisory Committee meets on the first Thursday of each month.


The Street Tree Advisory Committee was established by the Park Commission on December 20, 1979, to advise the Commission on tree removals and planting. The three-member Committee was chaired by a member of the Park Commission with two other members appointed by the Commission. The Park Commission modified the membership on December 16, 1998, to establish three voting members with two-year terms, and to require that members reside within the City of Santa Barbara, and have interest and technical knowledge of trees and tree care issues. Park Commission members were made non-voting members, and the City Arborist was made non-voting staff liaison. The Committee membership was again modified September 22, 1999, to add two alternate members, so that if regular members were not in attendance, the alternates could be appointed to vote and a quorum could be maintained. On August 26, 2009, the Parks and Recreation Commission voted to make the alternate members regular voting members at the request of the Committee, bringing the membership up to five voting members. On January 20, 2010, the Parks and Recreation Commission voted to allow two members of the Committee to be a non-City resident.