Community Meetings for the Cliff Drive Vision Zero Project

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Public Works
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Program Description

The City will hold two community engagement meetings to provide an update on the Cliff Drive Vision Zero Project (Project). The Project will enhance connectivity and improve Safe Routes to Schools for the area’s three elementary schools—McKinley, Monroe, and Washington—as well as Santa Barbara City College. Spanish translation will be provided at both meetings:

Virtual Community Meeting for the Cliff Drive Vision Zero Project
Wednesday, February 12, 2025 
5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Register for the Zoom webinar
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Community Meeting for the Cliff Drive Vision Zero Project
Thursday, February 13, 2025
5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Monroe Elementary School (431 Flora Vista Dr.)
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At both meetings, hear from project staff regarding updates on the Project's preliminary design.

The Project will provide significant improvements to the Cliff Drive area, including:

•    A new three-mile separated path for all ages and abilities on Cliff Drive from Arroyo Burro County Park to Castillo Street.
•    14 new crosswalks, safety enhancements to four existing crosswalks, and four new traffic signals along Cliff Drive.
•    Safety features at crossings include curb extensions, median refuge islands, Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs), safety lighting, and high visibility crosswalk markings.
•    A new crosswalk at Cliff Drive and Salida Del Sol for improved coastal access and safe walking route to Washington School.
•    A wider sidewalk on Flora Vista between Cliff Drive and Red Rose, curb extensions at the Flora Vista/Red Rose intersection, and sidewalk infill on Red Rose between Fellowship and Flora Vista to improve safety for students who walk or bike to Monroe Elementary School.
•    A wider sidewalk along Loma Alta Drive to improve connectivity between McKinley Elementary and the new path on Cliff Drive.

Construction is anticipated to begin in 2027.

Project Background: In 2018, the City adopted a Vision Zero strategy that aims to prevent severe and fatal injuries on City streets by focusing resources on high-priority streets with documented collision patterns. Cliff Drive is the second-highest priority corridor in the City. The Cliff Drive Vision Zero Project addresses the community’s desires to transform this high-speed urban highway into a neighborhood serving street with enhanced mobility and improved safety, with multi-modal transit opportunities for all ages and abilities, providing safe connections between neighborhoods, schools, and parks. With community and City Council support, the Public Works Department submitted a grant application to the State’s Active Transportation Program, which was successfully awarded in 2023.